December 2022
December saw Qatar host ‘the most controversial’ World Cup in football’s history.
Although the subject of migrant workers helped stir up tension, at the root of the issue was the question of whether Middle Eastern culture is now fundamentally incompatible with Western Liberalism. Are the two civilisations so divided in world-view that reconciliation is impossible? The inability of each side to see the other’s perspective has made it seem so.
This month also marks the end of a politically turbulent year. New monarch, two new prime ministers, and new energy bills. It is safe to say that many of us no longer have the energy to keep up with the nonsense any longer. Though, political turbulence in Britain does not mean the same thing that it has in China or Iran. It is a shame to see otherwise beautiful countries embroiled in devastating conflict that has been stirred up by those in positions of power.
Above all else, 2022 has been a year of dry and technical reporting. It is easy to look back on previous decades and lament over a time when things appeared to not be so bleak or lacklustre. Either way, a large number of us have been clawing around for any piece of positive news or thing that is not unrelentingly superficial.
Here is to a more uplifting agenda for the coming year.